4. Organisation and Governance
The Board at present consists of five members with three of those members having the respective positions of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. Collectively, they are responsible for the long-term vision, strategic planning, budgeting and running of Wave as an organisation. It will be ensured that adequate knowledge and updates from the ground are transferred to the Board so that they are able to make strategic decisions coherently with the coordination team running the Wave project in Thessaloniki.
The Board maintains a high standard of integrity and complies with the regulations concerning conflicts of interest. Decisions need to be backed by at least three out of five members, but they are usually taken by common consensus. The functioning of the organisation is evaluated by the Board at least once per year. Board members are in a four year fixed position that can be prolonged two times amounting to a maximum total of twelve years. No two Board members can leave the Board in the same three month period to ensure longevity and sustainability.
Wave does not have a Supervisory Board. Wave is a relatively small organisation, the contacts are direct and regular and include all those directly involved in the organisation including Board members, project coordination team, and the main donors. Monthly reports keep volunteers, donors and Board members updated on the operations of the project and there is regular contact between the project coordination team and the Founders.
Volunteers at Wave
In Thessaloniki, Wave has a part-time coordinator dedicated only to the wellbeing and organisation of volunteers. The volunteer team consists of between four and thirteen individuals. The coordinator is responsible for going through applications, interviewing potential volunteer candidates, being their point of contact during their stay, and coordinating their induction, check-ins and exit interviews to provide routine feedback on the project and its management. Prior to arrival, volunteers are given an induction pack that explains the project and its operations but also Wave’s key mission, vision, Code of Conduct and Safeguarding policies. Check-ins are facilitated at least once per month on a one-to-one basis so volunteers can give their input and have any further questions answered. Notes are anonymised but kept to track identified concerns and what has been done to address them. Volunteers also have access to an anonymous incident reporting form and an anonymous complaints form in case they don’t feel comfortable raising something in their check in. If something is raised but hasn’t been handled well or correctly, volunteers have access to a Whistleblowing Policy that facilitates their contact to Board members in order to escalate complaints. All these resources are available to all those who volunteer with the project.
Privacy Policy (AVG)
Following the Privacy Policy regulations implemented throughout Europe in 2018, Wave has drawn up a Privacy Policy, published on its website www.wave-thessaloniki.com
This is evaluated yearly and updated when necessary.
Risk Management
Through training with Front Line Defenders, Indigo Volunteers and CANVAS, our team has developed risk assessments and matrixes for the different aspects of the project – operational, fiscal, digital, volunteer-specific. These risk assessment documents are available upon request to any donor or supporter of the project. Any time an incident occurs it is quickly written up in the Incident Reporting Log so that there is a coherent understanding of what happened and what steps are being taken to mitigate future risk. Any safeguarding breaches are quickly identified and dealt with firstly by the project coordination team and then, if necessary, by the Board through escalation procedures.
Wave does not ask for, nor retain, personal information related to service users. Information relating to volunteers is treated consistently with a standard GDPR policy.